Monday, May 18, 2015

Chess Enrichment

Check-mate!!! Wait a minute!! No........I still have a few more moves to it. You better beware.
We're having so much fun at chess enrichment in school. Some of us are expert players as we joined modular chess so we share our learning with our other friends who are at beginner stage. They played rather well too.

During the chess enrichment lessons, we learnt the steps used in chess such as promote. There are lots of rules and regulations and we have to follow it. We also learnt lots of values through the activities such as perserverance, never give up spirit to continue even when we have less chess pieces than our friends. Take courage to take risk to lure and defend. Respect, once our hands move away from the chess pieces, we should not request to move back the chess pieces.

At the end, we had a quick ten minutes match. Some of us won a prize for ourselves! Hurray!!



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