Monday, January 26, 2015

Fighting Climate Change

We had an exciting afternoon assembly talk in school. It's all about fighting climate change. The speakers performed very well and gave us a strong message what's climate change means. Now we know why the weather changes so drastically within a day in Singapore. We experience super warm temperature and heavy rains that floods terribly. We need to change our energy consumption habits.

First, always remember to switch off all the electric if we aren't using them. If we need to cool down the room, we must turn the temperature of the aircon at 25 degrees. We can also use a fan too. We can travel green by taking public transport or even walk to nearby places. And also practise the 3Rs, recycle, reuse and reduce.

After the performance, some of us were chosen to answer the quiz. One of our Primary 2 friend was lucky to be up on the stage too.

Look at him, he answered the questions very quickly and recieved his prize.

Congratulations to our friend.
Let's all start playing a part in fighting climate change for a better future!



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